Winter crops are in!

Several crops have survived the devastation of hurricane Irene. We currently have a wonderful selection of winter squashes as well as hard to find Goguma-Korean sweet potatoes with the flavor and texture that resemble chestnuts. Of course leafy greens are abundant (mustard greens, baby bok choy, mizuna, lettuces…) and we still have a large variety of beans and heirloom tomatoes.

Goguma-Korean sweet potatoes.

Bordeaux radish!!!

Introduced for a first time last year only in Hawaii and Jeju Island of Korea where they are commissioned to grow, we went through extensive difficulty in obtaining these seeds. Their gorgeous purple color intensifies with a little touch of lemon or vinegar, and it will brighten any dish.

Green beans, wax beans, purple beans and many kinds of leafy greens.

At this time of year, heirloom tomatoes are sweet and incredibly flavorful!

So come see us… We’re often cooking the veggies so you can have a taste too.

For our market dates, click here.

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